Projects - «Bunter Group»
2022 year
Bunter Group has completed installation of one of the two 019-P-1.1 and 019-P-1.2 furnace units manufactured for the condensate de-ethanization unit.
2022 year
Works on re-equipment and replacement of the flare stack were performed.
2021 year
Pre-commissioning works and mode adjustment of start-up and fuel gas heater PTPG-30M manufactured by Bunter Group has been carried out.
2021 year
Newly designed indirect heater has been manufactured and shipped to the Customer.
2021 year
Heater with intermediate coolant PPT-0.2G designed for heating oil emulsions in oil collection and transportation systems, as well as natural or associated gas and waste field water at gas-distributing units of gas-lift oil production system, has been manufactured and shipped to the Customer.
2021 year
Heaters PNPT-3.87 designed to heat oil and their mixtures in the system of collection, transportation, and preparation of well products has been manufactured and shipped to the Customer.
2021 year
Mobile indirect heating unit MUKN-0.12K was successfully commissioned.
2021 year
Another recuperator unit was manufactured and shipped to the customer, which is designed for combustion of permanent, periodic, and emergency gas discharges and their disposal by means of heat recovery for heating of recycled process water using the heat of exhaust gases.
2021 year
Installation of thermal insulation internal layers and staged burner system of closed flare unit UFBG has been completed.

2021 year
Mobile direct heating unit MUPN of the formation water separation system was put into operation to provide heating of the incoming liquid with subsequent separation of produced water in the settling units.
2021 year
Mobile indirect heating unit MUN-4-PNPT-4.25 was commissioned, which is designed to heat liquid due to the increase in the amount of incoming liquid and change of its parameters
2021 year
Fuel gas treatment unit is designed for preparation of fuel gas for the boiler unit of UKPG-1, gas for the methanol regeneration unit, gas for the flare system VD, ND, and UGG (purification, heating, flow measurement, and gas pressure reduction before supplying to the consumer).
2020 year
Capacitance water heater PVE-3.5 with heating capacity of 3.5 MW designed to heat water in the collection, transportation, and well product preparation systems is successfully operated.
2020 year
A recuperator unit designed for beneficial use of the combustion heat of excessive flow of associated petroleum gas has been shipped.
2020 year
A boiler plant, which is an integral part of the gas treatment unit and is designed to compensate the temperature drop during gas pressure reduction and fuel gas heating for GPA, has been shipped and commissioned.
2020 year
The water heating boiler unit was shipped to the Customer in full factory readiness. The installation works are currently in final stages. The commissioning is scheduled for September 2020.
2020 year
Gas treatment unit for auxiliaries is designed for purification, heating, and reduction of natural gas pressure of main gas pipelines to the required pressure and maintaining it with a specified accuracy before supplying to the consumer.
2020 year
Our set of AGNKS equipment consists of an external gas accumulator unit and a process enclosure-box.
2019 year
The customer needed a regeneration gas heating furnace as part of the gas treatment unit.
2019 year
The Customer faced a non-standard task: oil emulsion needed to be heated directly from the well pad in the absence of prepared fuel gas to feed the heater burners and the remaining infrastructure around the well pad.

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