2021 year
Another recuperator unit was manufactured and shipped to the customer, which is designed for combustion of permanent, periodic, and emergency gas discharges and their disposal by means of heat recovery for heating of recycled process water using the heat of exhaust gases.
2021 year
Installation of thermal insulation internal layers and staged burner system of closed flare unit UFBG has been completed.
2020 year
A recuperator unit designed for beneficial use of the combustion heat of excessive flow of associated petroleum gas has been shipped.
2018 year
Combined flare unit that is designed for high-efficiency and high-quality combustion of periodic, permanent, and emergency discharges of combustible gases at oil and gas field treatment facilities in oil and gas fields, as well as oil, gas, and petrochemical industry enterprises, has been shipped.
2016 year
Flare unit designed for high-efficiency and high-quality combustion of periodic, permanent, and emergency discharges of combustible gases at oil and gas field treatment facilities in oil and gas fields, as well as oil, gas, and petrochemical industry enterprises, has been manufactured and shipped to the Customer.