Oil heating services — Bunter Group

Oil heating services

Oil heating services

Bunter Group has the ability to lease proprietary equipment and provide a range of services for heating oil using this equipment.

This solution will allow the Customers to monetize additional volumes of heated oil as quickly as possible compared to the capital construction of the facility.

Implementation of the range of services

Proprietary research and development center will select the necessary equipment depending on the input parameters and requirements for the oil temperature at the unit outlet.

Then the equipment complex will be mobilized to the customer's site, tied up, and connected to the existing communications, adjusted, and put into operation.

Then begins the process of operation and maintenance of the equipment complex by our specialists.

Example of the implementation of this solution

In 2019, Bunter Group mobilized a set of relocatable equipment to the customer's site. 

Initially, the customer needed to heat the incoming product with an inlet temperature of at least +2℃ and water cut of up to 65%, followed by separation of produced water in the settling tanks.

The customer was offered a set of relocatable equipment:

- two PTB-5-40E furnaces for oil heating,

- two horizontal sumps with a volume of 50 cubic meters each,

- one nitrogen fire-fighting cabinet,

- one automated operator workstation.

Design documentation with reference to the existing hazardous production facility of the field with the passage of the examination of industrial safety with registration in Federal Service for Environmental, Technological, and Nuclear Supervision.

As of today, all the equipment is operating at specified production rate, and the personnel of Bunter Group is providing daily oil heating services at the site.

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