Heater PPT-2 - Innovation «Bunter Group»

Heater PPT-2

Bunter Group has developed PPT-2 heater designed to transfer heat from the fuel gas combustion products to the heated product through intermediate coolant.

Main parts of PPT-2

·         heating unit — a container on a frame filled with intermediate coolant with a product coil and a furnace;
·         modular burner;
·         burner shed;
·         metal structures;
·         piping;
·         local automation unit.

The main elements of the heater are a spiral product coil and a furnace with transverse finned heat exchange tubes. Spiral coil together with the furnace unit are more compact in contrast to typical products. Flow turbulization in the spiral tubes occurs at lower velocities than in straight tubes. This improves the heat transfer from the coolant to the heated product. The vortex flow of the liquid in the coil tubes ensures self-cleaning of the inner surface of the coil.

The furnace unit has a number of advantages:

- compact heating surface is ensured by using a straight cylindrical furnace instead of a U-shaped furnace and finned transverse heat exchange tubes;

- thermal elongation of the furnace relative to the heater body is
compensated by means of a lens compensator installed on the outlet smoke pipe
of the furnace.

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